Even if billions of universes are put on a balance they are easily outweighed by a single particle of divine love.
A flower is the most fragrant part of a plant and we all know that the sandalwood tree has got the most pleasant smell among all the smells found in the bio-world What a strange thing it is then, that there is no flower on this sandal tree.
A fruit is the sweetest part of a tree and we are all aware of the fact that Sugarcane is the source of all the varieties of sweets. What a strange thing it is then, that there is no fruit in the sugarcane plant.
The difference between divine love and brahmanand is the difference between the sweetness of sugarcane and sugarcane fruit, or between the fragrance of a sandalwood tree and a flower on a sandalwood tree.
We must Focus only on the nectar of the lotus feet of Yadunandan and do Bhakti because without bhakti not even our mind (antahkaran) will get pure.
Even Adi Jagadguru Shankaracharya did bhakti himself and taught his mother to do bhakti. He admitted that without bhakti one can't even set free from the bondage of maya and get liberation, what to tell of the divine love of Shree Yugalsarkar. Because Krishna himself tells Arjun in the Bhagwadgita,"daiveyi hyesha gunmayi mam maaya duratyaya. Maam eva ye prapadyante, maayametaam taranti te." meaning that his illusory energy called Maya is divine and only those who surrender themselves to Lord shal get free from this Maya.
It was Adi Jagadguru Shankaracharya himself who established idols of various forms of Lord in the four main Dhaams.
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